Core.matrix 0.44.0
Main namespace for the core.matrix API.
Public variables and functions:
- abs
- abs!
- acos
- acos!
- add
- add!
- add-inner-product!
- add-product
- add-product!
- add-row
- add-scaled
- add-scaled!
- add-scaled-product
- add-scaled-product!
- array
- array?
- as-vector
- asin
- asin!
- assign
- assign!
- assign-array!
- atan
- atan!
- block-diagonal-matrix
- broadcast
- broadcast-coerce
- broadcast-like
- cbrt
- cbrt!
- ceil
- ceil!
- clamp
- clone
- cmp
- coerce
- column-count
- column-matrix
- column-matrix?
- columns
- compute-matrix
- conforming?
- cos
- cos!
- cosh
- cosh!
- cross
- cross!
- current-implementation
- current-implementation-object
- dense
- density
- det
- diagonal
- diagonal-matrix
- diagonal?
- dimension-count
- dimensionality
- distance
- div
- div!
- dot
- e*
- e=
- e==
- ecount
- eif
- element-type
- emap
- emap!
- emap-indexed
- emap-indexed!
- emax
- emin
- emul
- emul!
- ensure-mutable
- eq
- equals
- ereduce
- eseq
- esum
- exp
- exp!
- fill
- fill!
- floor
- floor!
- ge
- get-column
- get-row
- gt
- identity-matrix
- identity-matrix?
- immutable
- index
- index-seq
- index-seq-for-shape
- index?
- inner-product
- inverse
- join
- join-along
- label
- labels
- le
- length
- length-squared
- log
- log!
- log10
- log10!
- logistic
- logistic!
- lower-triangular?
- lt
- main-diagonal
- matrix
- matrix?
- mget
- mmul
- mset
- mset!
- mul
- mul!
- multiply-row
- mutable
- mutable-matrix
- mutable?
- native
- native?
- ne
- negate
- negate!
- new-array
- new-matrix
- new-scalar-array
- new-sparse-array
- new-vector
- non-zero-count
- non-zero-indices
- normalise
- normalise!
- numerical?
- order
- orthogonal?
- outer-product
- pack
- permutation-matrix
- pm
- pow
- pow!
- reshape
- rotate
- round
- round!
- row-count
- row-matrix
- row-matrix?
- rows
- same-shape?
- scalar
- scalar-array
- scalar?
- scale
- scale!
- scale-add!
- select
- select-indices
- select-view
- set-column
- set-column!
- set-current-implementation
- set-indices
- set-indices!
- set-row
- set-row!
- set-selection
- set-selection!
- shape
- shift
- signum
- signum!
- sin
- sin!
- sinh
- sinh!
- slice
- slice-count
- slice-view
- slice-views
- slices
- sparse
- sparse-array
- sparse-matrix
- sparse?
- sqrt
- sqrt!
- square
- square?
- sub
- sub!
- submatrix
- subvector
- supports-dimensionality?
- supports-shape?
- swap-rows
- symmetric?
- tan
- tan!
- tanh
- tanh!
- to-degrees
- to-degrees!
- to-double-array
- to-nested-vectors
- to-object-array
- to-radians
- to-radians!
- to-vector
- trace
- transform
- transform!
- transpose
- transpose!
- upper-triangular?
- vec?
- with-implementation
- zero-array
- zero-count
- zero-dimensional?
- zero-matrix
- zero-matrix?
- zero-vector
Namespace for the core.matrix dataset API. Datasets are similar to 2D matrices, except that they support labelled columns and operations on labelled columns.
Public variables and functions:
Namespace for management of core.matrix implementations. Users should avoid using these functions directly as they are intended for library and tool writers.
TODO: Namespace for IO on large arrays in core.matrix formats.
Public variables and functions:
Namespace for core.matrix linear algebra API.
Namespace for core.matrix operators.
Namespace for core.matrix protocols. These protocols are intended to be implemented by core.matrix array implemntations.
Public variables and functions:
- broadcast-compatible
- broadcast-same-shape
- common-shape
- ensure-type
- PAddInnerProductMutable
- PAddProduct
- PAddProductMutable
- PAddScaled
- PAddScaledMutable
- PAddScaledProduct
- PAddScaledProductMutable
- PArrayMetrics
- PAssignment
- PBlockDiagonalMatrix
- PBroadcast
- PBroadcastCoerce
- PBroadcastLike
- PCholeskyDecomposition
- PCoercion
- PColumnSetting
- PCompare
- PComputeMatrix
- PConversion
- PDatasetImplementation
- PDense
- PDimensionImplementation
- PDimensionInfo
- PDimensionLabels
- PDoubleArrayOutput
- PEigenDecomposition
- PElementCount
- PElementMinMax
- persistent-vector-coerce
- PExponent
- PFunctionalOperations
- PGenericOperations
- PGenericValues
- PImmutableAssignment
- PImmutableMatrixConstruction
- PImplementation
- PIndexedAccess
- PIndexedSetting
- PIndexedSettingMutable
- PIndexImplementation
- PIndicesAccess
- PIndicesSetting
- PLeastSquares
- PLogistic
- PLogisticMutable
- PLUDecomposition
- PMapIndexed
- PMathsFunctions
- PMathsFunctionsMutable
- PMatrixAdd
- PMatrixAddMutable
- PMatrixCloning
- PMatrixColumns
- PMatrixDivide
- PMatrixDivideMutable
- PMatrixEquality
- PMatrixEqualityEpsilon
- PMatrixMultiply
- PMatrixMultiplyMutable
- PMatrixMutableScaling
- PMatrixOps
- PMatrixPredicates
- PMatrixProducts
- PMatrixRank
- PMatrixRows
- PMatrixScaling
- PMatrixSlices
- PMatrixSubComponents
- PMatrixTypes
- PMutableCoercion
- PMutableFill
- PMutableMatrixConstruction
- PMutableVectorOps
- PNative
- PNegation
- PNewSparseArray
- PNonZeroIndices
- PNorm
- PNumerical
- PObjectArrayOutput
- POrder
- PPack
- PPermutationMatrix
- PQRDecomposition
- PReshaping
- PRotate
- PRotateAll
- PRowColMatrix
- PRowOperations
- PRowSetting
- PSameShape
- PScaleAdd
- PSelect
- PSelectView
- PSetSelection
- PShift
- PSliceJoin
- PSliceJoinAlong
- PSliceSeq
- PSliceSeq2
- PSliceView
- PSliceView2
- PSliceViewSeq
- PSolveLinear
- PSparse
- PSparseArray
- PSpecialisedConstructors
- PSquare
- PSubMatrix
- PSubVector
- PSummable
- PSVDDecomposition
- PTranspose
- PTransposeInPlace
- PTypeInfo
- PValidateShape
- PValueEquality
- PVectorCross
- PVectorDistance
- PVectorisable
- PVectorOps
- PVectorTransform
- PVectorView
- PZeroCount
- PZeroDimensionAccess
- PZeroDimensionConstruction
- PZeroDimensionSet
- same-shapes?
- supports-type?
Namespace for random number generation functions working with core.matrix arrays.
Public variables and functions:
Namespace for fully featured core.matrix select API.
Namespace for statistical functions operating on core.matrix arrays.
Public variables and functions: